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Made from a tightly woven high-quality microfiber, The Trasan Eye Glass Cloth is another amazing product. It will offer many years of highly effective and chemically-free cleaning.

It was manufactured not only for the cleaning of eyeglasses, but for the constantly expanding line of cell phones, tablets, computer screens and electronic games. Use it for binoculars, jewelry and special craft applications as well. This small cloth performs so well, that many ask, "What's in it?" The answer, of course, is "nothing", and don't try to make it better by using chemicals.

We recommend using the cloth dry and keeping it in the dust-free storage pouch when not in use. Occasionally it can be machine-washed with other laundry. Again, never use bleach and avoid fabric softeners.

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Eye Glass Cloth - $7.99 (approx. 6" x 7")






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